Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Importance of Homework in Your Child's Education by Dr. Sam Goldstein & Dr. Sydney Zentall

Homework is important because it is at the intersection between home and school. It serves as a window through which you can observe your children’s education and express positive attitudes towards your children and their education. As children grow older, homework and the amount of time engaged in homework, increases in importance. For teachers and administrators, homework is a cost effective way to provide additional instruction in practice.

Lets examine the six constructive purposes for homework in the context of your child’s educational experience. The first two are the most important and obvious. Through (1) practice and (2) participation in learning tasks, homework can improve your child’s achievement. Thus, it would be expected that if homework were completed accurately, not only would your child’s general knowledge and grades improve but your child would also increase mastery of basic academic skills, such as reading, writing, spelling and mathematics.

Homework can provide other benefits. Your child’s ability to bring an assignment home, gather and organize necessary materials to complete the assignment, return the assignment and receive a grade, strengthens his or her sense of responsibility. Time management skills are learned. There is also improved (3) development of personal skills such as time management gained by completing homework. Further, when homework proceeds smoothly it can become (4) a positive aspect of your relationship with your child.

Finally, although we often do not consider that homework serves a school administrative role, it offers schools an opportunity to let parents know what their children are learning. Thus, homework can play a public relations role by (5) keeping parents informed about class activities and policies. Homework can also fulfill (6) an administrative role in helping schools achieve their overall mission of improving student’s achievement.

Homework is a bridge that joins schools and parents. From the school’s perspective there is the opportunity to monitor students' independent progress. For parents there is the potential to gain a greater appreciation of education and to express positive attitudes towards their children’s achievement.

In this weekly column we will provide tips, guidelines, suggestions and solutions to common homework problems. Homework is an essential part of your child’s education and can serve not only to enhance your child’s achievement but also to enhance family relationships.

This column is excerpted and condensed from, Seven Steps to Homework Success: A Family Guide for Solving Common Homework Problems by Sydney S. Zentall, Ph.D. and Sam Goldstein, Ph.D. (1999, Specialty Press, Inc.).

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Prayer for the Graduates of SY 2010-2011 by Pastor TOTO Gustilo

Our dear Heavenly Father, thanks so much for helping us conquer this past year's family, financial, and academic challenges. We thank you for making us more than a conquer. Today we celebrate your faithfulness because of what you have done to our family and to the Wise Kids School.

We glorify your name by honoring our parents and receiving our awards for a job well done. Forgive us from all our failures and setbacks. Give us more opportunities to shine in this dark and depressed world. Today we graduate from Wise Kids School, our second home, and we embark on another journey in our academic life. We expect the same guidance you have provided for us while we are still here.

Unleash the leader within us so that we can effectively serve our family, school and nation. This we pray in the name of the Everlasting God we adore and worship for life. AMEN

Filipino Values by Ira Exconde

Filipino values are they important?
Should they be really kept constant?
Passed from our ancestors down,
That's why they should be reflected now.

Saying "po" or "Opo" to older people,
It shows respect, and it's that simple.
Excusing yourself from the dinner
Reflects that in good manners, you are stable.

Taking off shoes when in one's residence,
Though not really practiced, shows great reverence.
Doing "Mano" or kissing your parents,
Shows that you love them and makes then content.

Good values have good effects,
But we don't need to be perfect.
By simply loving and respecting others,
We show our Filipino character.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My lovely friend ”Ate Lisa” by Karla Marie Bisnar

Last Friday, we had our acquaintance party at Elsie Gatches located in Alabang. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel founded the illusion in 1964. Because they don’t have their own children. The Mission of this orphanage is to give importance and render aid to the abandoned and mentally retarded individuals. The first time I saw them, I was afraid to get near to them because of their physical appearance . but our trainers and teachers told us that they are harmless people so I felt at ease. Tchr. John reminded us not to be afraid and disgusted of them instead try to assess and understand the situation as well . tchr. John reminded us to hand picked one of them and established a new friendship. And I met one of a kind of them. We must ensured to leave a happy memory with them.

I handpicked one of them and established a new friendship with our new friend Ate Lisa which is turning 16 this coming 8th of October. She conveyed everything about her past life as well as her interests in her life right now. After meting ate Lisa , I met another new friend , her name is Grace . She is already 10yrs. old ,and I don’t know what’s her birthday. I asked them if they already know God? , they answered me “ yes…. Alam na naming si God , siya yung nag sacrifice ng buhay para sa ating mga kasalanan”. I asked them again if they already accepted God?, “opo…. Matagal nap o”. Then I asked their talent, they said they loved dance. They showed me sample of their dance. After wards , we offered a prayer before eating. We`ev had a little chitchat after we eat. We relaxed and offered a prayer again before we leave. Before we leave, Ate Lisa and grace hugged tightly me and Alisha for awhile and said “God Bless!”

Based on my experience , I realized that we are so blessed of what we have in our life , that despite of the problems God gave us we should not give up. My new friend helped me to realize that thought they are in the orphanage they have the right to be treated fairly. They can still do things which a normal person can do. I am lucky to have my family , friends , and teachers. I have renowned that even though they are special person, we still need to establish rapport and built friendship. We must visit them often. I’m happy because I am luckier then them yet we are both blessed to have our parents. I parents that despite their appearance and IQ level, they deserve to be loved and appreciated. I came to realize that talking with heart while sharing gospel enlightened their emotions. The most important , we must pray and share our blessings with them always.

Here is my decision based in my experience and realization:

First I decided to accept what they are. Second is we must have a open forum with them. Then we must play with them. I decided to do not be scared at them. The fifth thing is we must help them in times if a situations. Then I decided I must hangout with them. I must share some God words . Then we must share some blessings with them. Then we must play sports with them. The last but not the least always pray for them.

Give a Helping Hand by Jerome Domingo

Every year, our school is conducting an outreach program to GIVE A HELPING HAND to the less fortunate ones. This also serves as our acquaintance party. Last Friday, 29 July 2011, our school conducted its latest outreach/ acquaintance party. The high school students were grouped according to their corresponding year level. Each year level is assigned to a place where they will do their outreach/acquaintance party. The sophomores was assigned to special, gifted people at Elsie Gaches Village in Alabang, Muntinlupa. We prepared a short dance presentation to these people.

Earlier that day, we spent almost 2 or 3 hours of rehearsing our dance presentation. Some of our subject teachers are generous that they let their time be used to for our rehearsals. As the class secretary, I helped our class president, Rebeka Paller to organize the things we need and to guide our classmates on what they need to do. As the time goes by, excitement and fear is within me. I prepared my things before we departed from our campus. At exactly 1:30 pm, we went to Elsie Gaches.

While in the van, me and my classmates are having fun. Imagining what would it look like? What people are we going to encounter? What kind of people are we will spend time with all afternoon? — Finally, we arrived safely in our destination. On our way in, our teacher, Tchr. Jhonn, told us to be kind and polite to the people we will encounter.

There’s this guy who had briefly oriented us about the place and the people we will spend the afternoon with. He gave us some trivias about Elsie Gaches. As far as I could remember it, it was named after the wife of Mr. Samuel Gaches who donated their 16 hectares of land to DSWD-NCR in the year 1964 during the Macapagal administration. It aids people who are abandoned and mentally challenged like people with autism, down syndrome, celebral palsy and hydrocephalus. The people we will spend time with are 5-76 years of age. He also told us you can classify people that are mentally challenged if their IQ level is 70% and below. Due to their IQ level, they’re only capable of understanding shapes, color and sizes. An estimated 600 clients are living with them. Their average consumption of rice is about 6-7 sacks each day.

My experience there is amazing. It was unforgettable. I felt sorry for them for being abandoned by their own families. Imagine? Your own family will abandon you just because your mentally incapacitated? How awful, isn’t? I also envy them in a way because even though they’re incapacitated mentally, they kept on smiling every now and then, despite the bitterness of their past. They set aside the past and focus on what they have. I hope we youngsters will learn from them.

From now on, I decide to let go of my past and focus on things that I will encounter in the future. In this outreach, I learned to value the time I have with my family. I’m thankful because God gave my parents who loves me so much despite of my failures and setbacks. Life is all about giving a helping hand.

Four Guidelines in Taking Your College Entrance Tests

P - repare everything you'll need before taking the test
R - ead and follow all instructions
A - nswer all the questions
Y - ield the positive results to God

Monday, May 18, 2009


A MUST for ALL Parents.
At the Old Wise Kids Building (In front of Villa Carolina Gate 2, near RMT)
OLD PARENTS - 4:00-5:00 PM
NEW PARENTS - 5:30-6:30 PM

Civilian Clothes for the First Day Only.
Preschool - Tuesday, June 22
Graders & High School - Thursday, June 17

Surnames A to M - June 3
Surnames N to Z - June 4

CALL 8423973 0r 8501591

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

WISE KIDS Whereabouts...

Block 7. Lot 65-68, Dollar corner Pound Street,
Villa Carolina 1, Tunasan, Muntinlupa City

CALL 842-3973
TEXT 0917-2513813



  • Specialized 5-Months Preschool Program
  • Preschool
  • Elementary
  • High School
  • Homeschool
  • Special Education (SPED) for Mainstreaming
  • Summer Modules
  • Academic Tutorials
  • Art Lessons and Mandarin

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Government Recognized

Wise Kids School is now "Government Recognized" in its Nursery and Kindergarten Course & Complete Elementary Course. This was made possible by the Department of Education Muntinlupa City and National Capital Region directors/supervisors and the admin/teachers/staff of the school. Here are the actual serial numbers...

Nursery and Kindergarten Course
Government Recognition (NCR)
No. P-045     S. 2008

Complete Elementary Course
Government Recognition (NCR)
No. P-026     S. 2008

May the Lord Jesus Christ lead us to greater school excellence. All glory be to God!

Sunday, November 23, 2008





Though relatively young. WISE KIDS SCHOOL has made an impact in the community by molding the children to reach their full potential. All of our educators are continually studying to keep at par with the latest teaching methods. We have the heart to serve and the mind to make an impact. Our heart's cry: Non-Conformity to Traditionalism by Focusing on Productive Home and School Partnerships!

Be a part of this growing God-ordained family. ENROLL at WISE KIDS SCHOOL.


To build children's confidence to lead and influence others.


Liscensed, Passionate and Committed. Ever-Learning and Improving. Previously monitored by the University of the Philippines' (UP) Center for Early Childhood Care and Development (CECCD). Graduates from and graduate (and post-graduate) studies students in various universities such as UP, DLSU, Ateneo, PCU and others.


Developmentally approriate using a combination of Montessori, School of Tomorrow (ACE), Alpha-Omega Advanced Curriculums. The Chinese Language Integration is provided by the A-PLUS Language Center. Computer Education is coordinated by CAL Informatics. High School Curriculum includes Vernon Tapalla's Speech Program, Advanced Math, Basic Accounting and Statistics, with separate English and Word Building Modules.


With Computer Laboratory, Internet Access, Audio-Visual Library, Gym, Canteen, Home Economics Room, Science Laboratory, and Play Areas. Has access to the nearby covered court and playground. With yearly renovation and expansion projects. ALL CLASSROOMS are AIRCONDITIONED with Overhead Projectors and Whiteboards.


Guidance and counseling. Parent Education. Parents for Life and Married for Life Training. Psychological Testing and Evaluation.


Accepts children with mild learning disablities such as Autism, ADHD, ADD, GDD using personalized SPED programs and mainstreaming with regular kids.


Department of Education

Association of Christian Schools International

Association of Christian Schools and Colleges Accrediting Association, Inc.


CAL Informatics

Alpha-Omega Publications

Philippine School of Tomorrow

A-PLUS Kindergarten and Chinese Language Center

Faithful Jesus Church

8 REASONS Why Study @ Wise Kids School

  1. Advanced and Relevant Curriculum Focused on Knowledge, Skills and Character Development
  2. Singapore Math & Science Integration
  3. Mandarin Language Integration
  4. Non-Traditional Approaches for Quality Education
  5. Personalized Services & Instruction in a Limited Class Size
  6. Values Formation
  7. Computer & Information Technology by CAL Informatics
  8. Air-conditioned Classrooms



Accomplished Application Form

Medical Certificate

2X2 Colored Pictures (2 pieces blue background wearing white blouse or polo)

1X1 Colored Pictures (4 pieces blue background wearing white blouse or polo)

1 Folder (long / with name)

1 Brown Envelopes (long / with name)

Testing Fee / Assessment Fee

OTHERS (as appplicable)

Entrance Exam / Assessment Result

Good Moral Certification (from a Guidance Counselor)

Report Card (Form 138)

Form 137

If SPED case, Doctor's Diagnosis / Recommendation (for Mainstreaming)


How Much and How Can My Child Enroll?


(2 Promos per client only)

Charges resonable fees coupled with other incentives for early enrollees as follows:

5% discount for every family referred

50% tuition fee discount for the 3rd child

50% tuition fee discount for the 4th child

5% discount for early annual payment

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Wise Kids?

A Non-Sectarian Academic Institution for Pre-School to High School Students.
Our Vision: "An Advanced Children's School Geared Towards
Business and Leadership."

CALL 842-3973 TEXT 0917-2513813